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Energy Diagnostic | (30 minutes)

Learn your strategy and authority through Human Design and gain an understanding of
your bodygraph chart


Hey there! Did you know that each person has their own unique frequency?

It's true! But sometimes we get caught up in the illusions of the world and make decisions based on conditioning and our minds.


The key is to realign ourselves with our true essence by following our aura strategy and authority.


I truly believe that everyone deserves to understand their strategy and authority and experiment with it. You don't need a complete Human Design reading for that. In fact, just knowing your S&A puts you ahead of 96% of humanity!


As an intuitive guide, I can simplify even the most complex ideas and provide you with the guidance that will serve you best. And for just $40, we can have a 30-minute Zoom/phone consultation to help you on your journey with more awareness.


During the first consult, I'll give you an overview of Human Design, explain your aura, strategy, and inner authority.


If you're interested in diving deeper into your design, a full reading is the next step. Let's book a call to get started!